Parkinson's Petrel, Cordell Bank 1 October 2005

Parkinson's Petrel
Procellaria parkinsoni
Cordell Bank
1 October 2005

Eric Preston's still photos.

Martin Meyers' still photo page.

Marine Chart showing our position.


On returning from a Cordell Bank pelagic trip, our boat slowed to approach a small group of birds on the water. One bird in the flock was all dark with a light colored bill. Thinking it was a Flesh-footed Shearwater, I grabbed my video camera. Rick Powers, captain of "The New Sea Angler", turned off the engines and we slowly drifted in closer. When the bird flew, we could see that it had dark legs and feet. It was then that we all became aware of what some had suspected upon seeing the bird's bill color and shape. This was a Parkinson's Petrel.

Our position was 17.6 nautical miles northwest of Pt. Reyes Lighthouse. The lat/long was N38° 05.788' W123° 22.281'.

The first flight video has an audio track. You can hear initial reactions from Cindy Lieurance, Eric Preston, Ann Dewart, and Rich Stallcup as he makes the ID. The third flight video is in slow motion and allows closer inspection of the black feet and legs and the thick, light colored bill.

This video is offered in both Windows Media and Apple Quicktime.

Microsoft Media
The first flight with audio 4 mb
The third flight in slow motion 5.7 mb
Both files - highest quality 16 mb

The first flight with audio 3.4 mb
The third flight in slow motion 3.6 mb

If the file fails to load, try downloading and installing one of the players from the links below, then return.

download quicktime download Windows Media Player