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These islands lie between the Subtropical and Antarctic Ocean Convergences south of New Zealand. Cindy and I participated in the December 2005 Wings tour aboard the "Spirit of Enderby" with Heritage Expeditions. Led by Steve Howell, we toured six New Zealand islands by land and sea. Also, we landed at the Australian research station on Macquarie Island.

Les Lieurance took these snapshots with a Panasonic PV-GS400 mini-DV videocamera which doubles as a 4 megapixel still camera. Each picture above will take you to an additional page of snapshots.

Our friends, Scott and Claudia Hein made life on board even more fun. Scott's website of superb photos shows each island in detail.

The week before our trip aboard "The Spirit of Enderby" Cindy & I made a few stops around New Zealand. Large video files from 4 locations are immediately below.

Tiritiri Matangi 11MB
Miranda Shorebird Center 16MB
Kaikoura, South Island 21MB
Stewart & Ulva Islands 14MB